There are so many synchronicities occurring lately and it all feels like it’s leading us towards a powerful new timeline. Of course we just went through the 11th month and scorpio season in which we had a lot of 1111 energy with the new moon happening on Nov 1st and of course the 11/11 portal. We also experienced one of the most extremely significant astrological shifts of our time with Pluto landing in Aquarius where it will remain for the next 20 years! So there have been a lot of signs pointing towards big changes and new beginnings, and now as we settle into Sagittarius season we have again a new moon landing on the 1st of the month.
This new moon brings to light a particular theme that has been present and building for some time now - The shift from the masculine way of force and control to the feminine way of responding and receiving. This is a theme that is the undercurrent for the Pluto in Aquarius age too, because huge change is needed within the structures and systems of the world as a whole; so we need fresh new ideas and approaches that differ from what we have been repeating for years.
The numerology of this new moon ties into this completely with the number 3 representing the divine feminine, shown as the empress in the tarot. This number also represents divine balance and, adding to the building list of synchronicities, as I pulled cards for this new moon we also have three 6s on the table. 666 is often seen as a ‘bad’ number because of certain associations it has with darker energies but 666 is actually the number of divine order and balance. When this number comes through it serves as a reminder to refocus and find balance within our lives.
6 is also the number that follows 5 of course which represents change. So we can see that this new moon may be a time to find balance after a period of change. Many people have felt they have been moving through a transition lately so if you have to just know it is all in divine order and under this new moon you will likely find some movement out of stagnancy and success coming your way.
I love that in this reading we actually have the 4 of wands reversed with the 6 of swords reversed which goes back to this connection to feminine energy and the need to trust where we are being led without necessarily knowing exactly where we are going. We also have the 4 of cups with the Ace of pentacles representing the energy of receiving. It feels like there will be opportunities and offerings being presented to us in more ways than one here.
Something that came to me recently was “Courage will take you more places than a plan ever will” and it feels so aligned with this new moon's energy. Of course Sagittarius is a fire energy and depicted as the arrow, so it’s this need to have the courage to go for it and shoot our shot even if we can’t be sure where it will land, and just simply trusting the journey.
Sagittarius is a very active energy so this is a time to get things moving and some may even be moving or travelling somewhere new around this time. But do bear in mind that although we have this fresh energy of new beginnings, we are also in Mercury retrograde so it’s not a time to start completely new projects but revisit what you have been doing and take action to move those things forward or bring more balanced energy to them.
Generally, we should be feeling quite optimistic under this new moon, able to see the growth that has occurred during the past month or so as we moved through all the transformative energy of Scorpio season.
If you’d like more insights as to how this new moon will be influencing you personally, book a reading with me using the buttons.